From the director’s office

Komarung is a subsidiary wholly owned by FrankTec Investments (Pty) Ltd, a company which is 100 % Botswana citizen owned incorporated under the company law of the Republic of Botswana.

We are among the few local companies originating in Botswana to provide services in office printing solutions. The company has adopted a 100 % citizen employment policy while giving the youth first priority. We believe in local empowerment.

We are the official dealer for all Toshiba multi-functional printers and we are geared to provide cost effective and robust printing solution for business of any size. We stock a wide range of printers from your desktop to heavy-duty ones. – Francis Mwape

[The team]


To become the first “Botswana Brand by Batswana” to lead the Office printing industry by 2021.


Komarung will contribute positively to the welfare of Botswana by maintaining a 100% Botswana citizen employment policy focusing on youth with a 1:1 male to female staff across all departments

[Core Values]

Komarung will not compromise its integrity in any way and will implore the values of Botho, honesty, professionalism le Bothakga in all its dealings with societ.